Marco Wu

Is an abstract expressionist painter from Taichung City, Taiwan. Currently live in Hong Kong.

About me

How I become an abstract artist

I always have had a passion for art, even as a young child. But I really started expressing myself through art in 2016 when I did some freelance artistic contracts. Since then, I have practised more and more. In 2020, the covid pandemics hit all of us, I tried to stay positive about this negative situation, I had much more time to create more art… And I finally decided to make art my full occupation and become a “real artist” as in “full-time creator”.

How I get my inspiration

I love to be in touch with nature and traveling, this is how I get my inspiration usually. Sometimes even just listening to a story can overwhelm me with emotions, and I need to usecolours to transcribe what I have heard, seen, memorised, experienced and felt. 

When I sit in the nature side, I love to observe quietly everything surrounding me, so I can feel every single tiny detail, these details always inspire me to create. Inspiration is all around us, sometimes even just walking on the street, watching people I feel inspired too.

Why I love abstract

Each story and each feeling will trigger different thoughts in different people. We cannotalways explain it. That is why I love abstract art; it is about feelings. What I think when I make my art-pieces may not be what people feel when they see it, but the important is that they elicit feelings and make people think.

What ART is to me

Art, just like a light in the dark room, can give you a warm hug during winter. Art, just like every cloud has a silver lining, can give you joy and hope when you are down.

I know is hard but I always think if you believe in yourself and be optimistic then everything can be good in the end. I really want to spread happiness and love to people through my ART, even just to few people, I would be very satisfied already.